Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Barfy McBarferson

So throwing up at home is not too much fun either.

I KNEW that if I actually got pregnant I would be sick. I get nauseous easily: car rides, boat rides, roller coasters, merry-go-rounds, etc.

People at work are starting to ask questions. Questions like: why is Brenda about 2 shades fairer than she normally is. Thus making me almost transparent.

However, before you may/may not become envious about the so-called Morning Sickness. Let me relate a story to you.

This morning, I was staying at home for a while whilst I tried to let my stomach settle. I had already eaten a granola bar, had some crackers, a glass of milk and a glass of juice. I tried to get ready for work, but I just kept feeling sicker and sicker. At one point, I moved to the restroom to see if that was my problem.

Nope, just a little gassy.


I was immediately overwhelmed with the need to release my breakfast, that I had no time to pull up my pants. I just flipped around and stuck my head in the toilet.

I took a deep breath....and realized that I had, in every sense of the word, farted. in. my. own. face.

Then I puked my guts out, because every time I took a breath, I inhaled more fart.

Goooood Times.


Unknown said...

So hun, I'm so so sorry you're feeling like crap :( It's not a fun feeling, you can take 100mg (max) of B6 and 1/2 a unisom tablet (that combo saved my life!). I took both before bed every night and it would get me thru most of the day... Might help a bit. Please stay hydrated and eat when you can because and empty stomach is worse...

Anonymous said...

Someday you'll be able to laugh about your horrible morning sickness...just not now! Sorry it is so awful, but it really does kind of miraculously disappear around 3 months- hopefully earlier for you. Sending calm thoughts to your tummy.

I Believe in Miracles said...

Ew! Gross. I have no clue about the morning sickness. Although I have worried about that for work. I'm about 200m from a bathroom and I've often wondered if its something that just takes over and happens... I guess so!

I'm so sorry. Kinda hard to think we've been dreaming and hoping for this, huh?


Not on Fire said...

I am sorry, but I laughed, uh, with you. It brought back so many memories for me. I have no assvice, I just hope that you are feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor girl!! Just be careful while driving...On one not-so-happy morning on the way to work,I actually threw up going 75mph down the highway before I could pull over. And to add insult to injury, the force of the vomit vs. attempts to hold it back caused me to pee my pants, too! I can laugh at it now, but at the time, not so funny! Have you tried ginger or peppermint tea? It worked for me! Hope your tummy calms down soon!

DE Mommy said...

I cannot stop laughing at this.

I'm sorry, but I have tears in my eyes.

The farting only gets worse, even thought the yakking gets better.

DH indignantly walked into the bathroom today and said "I can smell where you've been all over the house! stop it!"

Mermaid said...

I hate to laugh at you, but that was pretty funny...and gross. I hope it gets much better soon. You are brave for sharing. So far Ginger cookies work for me when I start to feel that way, but I've been pretty fortunate so far.

Anonymous said...

I must admit, that gave me a good giggle.
Better luck next time! said...

Ugh....hope it gets better! said...

I am totally clueless about combating it!

In Due Time said...

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


Erin said...

Oh my. I am sorry but that is hilarious. I have to say I have had similar experiences with stomach flu, though not pregnancy.

Best of Luck. ICLW. said...

What's happening? Hope you are doing better!

ICLW Trippin'!

White Picket Fences said...

LOL ...I like your story even better than when I threw up in the meat aisle ...on the floor ...of my local grocery store.

I'm 12 weeks today and morning sickness seems to be gone there's hope ...but it was *miserable* while it was here. Miserable.

Congratualtions!! ICLW

Echloe said...

Sorry you feel so yucky. But its a a good thing right. You are pregnant and that is awesome. ICLW

Cara said...

Ahh- a great memory to recall as you think of sitting with your child and telling the "I remember whens"

Bella said...

Oh, I feel so bad for you, but that is incredibly sunny at the same time. I hope you feel better soon and congrats!


Kara said...

Sorry to hear about the case of the barfs - try to think big picture! There is a baby on the way that is pretty exciting!

Beautiful Mess said...

Oh you poor thing! I'm so sorry you have morning sickness, it truly is a TOTAL drag! I hope you start feeling less sick, SOON!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that you are not feeling well!!! But.......I am laughing so hard right now. Hope you feel better soon!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha oh that's awful! you poor thing!


m said...

wow wow wow. I am really sorry you're not feeling great (and I am really sorry I laughed out loud). Well, ok, I'm not sorry I laughed but I'm sorry that there was puking and discomfort for you involved. Hoping you feel better soon.


Anonymous said...

That made me laugh so hard! Yes, I still envy your morning sickness, but I hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

that is hilarious. gross and hilarious and i am sorry for your sickness. congratulations on your pregnancy and i hope the sickness doesn't last long.


Emily said...

Oh goodness! I am sorry you are having m/s, but thank you for the giggles today!

I don't think I have stopped by to wish you CONGRATULATIONS yet! I will be thinking of you!

littleangelkisses said...

Oh man! I know it's not funny right now, but you WILL laugh at this one day!

C said...

Aw, what a bad start to the day! I am finally getting past my "all-day sickness" as long as I eat every 3-4hrs. I hope you get to feeling better soon!


Michelle said...

LOL I hope you feel better!

Kristin said...

Oh no Brenda...that really sucks. Odors were always the thing that set off my nausea. Hope you feel better soon.


Sam said...

This made me laugh out loud and scare the baby!

Love it! Funny stuff (but I do hope you feel better soon)!



theworms said...

Your story made me laugh. I hope you're feeling better and Congrats!!