Aaron Robert (6lbs 7oz) and Joshua Benjamin (6lbs 6oz) born July 12 at 12:57 am and 12:55 am, respectively. (Aaron is on the left and Josh is on the right).
I will fill you in on more of the details when I have caught up on more sleep. Right now, we are all home except for Josh, who has 'apnea of prematurity.' Which basically means he has apnea episodes that causes his heart rate to slow down. His case is mild, but he has to remain in the NICU indefinitely until he outgrows this problem. He needs 5 days without an episode to come home. He just had another one today, so the clock resets with day one tomorrow.
I can't wait to catch up with all of you and see where you are all at in your journey. Know that even in my sleep-deprived state, I am thinking of you all.
Congratulations! They are gorgeous!
Ohhhh Brenda, you should send that hunky pic to any doctor that gave you doubt about carrying twins - they are absolutely PERFECT and I am so proud of you. I am up early and just wanted to say CONGRATS! (Reposted due to typo)
Congratulations! Oh, they're absolutely beautiful!
Oh my goodness - wow! I can not believe they are here already - they are absolutely adorable! I am so happy for you.I hope Josh gets to come home soon.
Oh Dear Brenda, they are beautiful!!! Congratulations!!! Wow Wow Wow!
And hello, Aaron and Joshua! Welcome to the world!
Wishing you the very very very very best, and hoping Josh has no more episodes, and he gets over the apnea.
Good Luck!
They're absolutely gorgeous! Congrats, Brenda. Great job!
They are adorable. Congrat's--and what big twins they are!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery from the apnea.
Congratulation on your beautiful boys!
Love Jess
(here from LFCA)
Oh, what whopping big beautiful boys!!! Congrats and hope Josh will be home soon.
They are so fat and squishy! Just like babies ought to be. You and your uterus sure showed them!
They are look just perfect!
Um, since my cycle buddy just had her babies I better stop being in denial that I'm having one soon. I keep telling myself I have a long time.
Take care of yourself and I look forward to reading more when you have some time. Don't feel bad of you don't.
congrats! they are beautiful!!!
Here from LFCA...
Congratulations! I hope that Josh makes it home soon. Best to all of you!
Popping over from LFCA to congratulate you on your beautiful baby boys - they are precious!
Just catching up after being away. Wow! Aaron and Joshua are here! And they are BEAUTIFUL! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
YEAH!!! Congratulations!!! They are beautiful. What a miracle. I'm so excited for you.
Congratulations! It has been more than a week since you posted so I hope Josh is home and all are doing well.
What great news-- and they are so precious and sweet! Congratulations. All the best to you and your family.
Your beautiful babies were born on the exact day that my 22 year old grandson, Jake, went to be with the Lord. It's so wonderful to know that amid such sorry and grief that day, that life goes on and you were blessed with a double blessing. Years ago we were trying to decide on Jake's name, and he was almost named Josh (isn't THAT a coincidence)? Love reading your blog and may God richly bless you and your beautiful family. Sandy
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