Well, it's official. I'm starting to become more optomistic about the pregnancy. See--it only took about 28 weeks! I still don't want to tempt the fates and get too cocky. But, perhaps I will bait the fates a little. As I think I mentioned before, I had an ultrasound done on the 28th or so of April. Just before the 27 week mark. I tried to figure out how I could link the pictures to somewhere else, in case you wanted to skip the pictures. But it turns out that I'm just not that smart, so if you are ready for them, scroll down at your own risk.
Bot front view (my DH thinks he looks like the Joker...)
Bot front view (my DH thinks he looks like the Joker...)

Bot's face view

Of course I'm biased, but I think they look rather cute. Although, I didn't think about how cute they were last night when my husband tried to kiss me goodnight and I had abruptly excuse myself to run to the bathroom to relieve myself of my after dinner snack. And my face certainly doesn't look cute today, as the expulsion of my food seemed to prompt a number of blood vessels in my face to explode. Yes, I have had raspberries and spider veins on my face today. Luckily, I have freckles (what nearly 36 year old woman STILL has freckles???) and they can hide a lot of sins. I never thought I would be grateful for freckles.....
oh how lovely. I have never been able to read those baby u/s pics but your instructions helped! loved the foot - so totally cute!
Very cute pics!!
I was just thinking about you today --- 28 weeks is so amazing considering what they told you at the beginning.
Yay, so glad you put up some pics! And I'm happy you are feeling a bit more confident; I totally get that trying to protect yourself thing, but you are pregnant with beautiful twins! And reading your story really does give me (and I'm sure others) hope. If we all posted gloomy things and no one ever was happy to be pg, why would we blog at all?!
Good luck - they look great (and I love the descriptive titles)
What beautiful u/s pics! They are beautiful! I'm so glad you've made it to the 28 week mark! Every week here on out is a blessing!
Hey Brenda....I have been out of the blogosphere for a while and so did not catch these snaps on time....totally rocking awesome snaps those..
Yes, your dream is real! Yes Yes Yes! Bit and Bot are going to be two handsome dudes!
Those are the most amazing u/s pics. Mine are all skeletons? Must be some newer technology?
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